Book, Maps & Village Trail
Alvechurch 1920-1960
A Snapshot of Village Life in words and pictures
This book on the 20th century history of Alvechurch and its surrounding villages; a period when the community had more than its fair share of characters, stories and unforgettable images.
Alvechurch Village Society and the Alvechurch Historical Society worked to support the production and distribution of this book as a valuable record of local history that was beginning to be lost from living memory. This first book of photographs, stories and anecdotes was published in 2000 and its success revived so many memories that a second book 'Alvechurch Past & Present' was produced two years later but is now unfortunately out of print. Copies may be available through other book sellers, online retailers and libraries.
To obtain a copy of 'Alvechurch 1920-1960'
or for more information please contact:
Alvechurch Village Society by email

Maps of Local Walks
The Village Society publishes a pack of 6 maps of local walks with the set priced at £5.
Please see our 'Home Page' for details.
Alvechurch Village Trail
Back in 1995 a booklet 'Alvechurch Village Trail', written by Forest Hansen and G. C. Scane, was published. This booklet is now available as a free download
16 page for printing, 14 page for viewing, separate picture of the centre page map.