Our aims
To retain the beauty and character of the Alvechurch area for residents and visitors alike.
To offer a concerned view, where necessary, on developments and issues likely to affect the village and it's residents.
Our volunteers maintain 27 miles of footpaths around the village and surrounding areas.
We organise a programme of monthly social events including informative talks, walks and quiz nights.
We support the Lounge cafe/youth club and village hall with proceeds from events.
We organise monthly guided, family friendly walks.
A range of local walking maps priced at £5 for a set of 6 are available from Martin Clarke. Please email: martinclarke1@btinternet.com or call him on 07742 100007 for more details.
Our activities
Alvechurch is a village with a cluster of distinct and separate communities within its Parish (Hopwood, Rowney Green, Weatheroak and Bordesley). AVS aims are based on the following principles.
Housing & commercial development
All commercial and housing developments (affordable or market) should satisfy the policies which still apply ie the most recent County Structure Plan and District Local Plan, the emerging Local Development Framework, and those parts of the Regional Spatial Strategy, which remain in effect. Developments should be confined to Brownfield sites and Areas of Development Restraint (likely to be known as Development Sites in future) and no Green Belt land should be used. They should be sustainable, reflect the proven needs of the local community rather than market demands, with particular priority to affordable and starter homes, and not be detrimental to the village concept.
New development and significant property extensions should conform to the Village Design Statement and its continuing updates, adopted by Bromsgrove District Council and Alvechurch Parish Council in 2001. All existing buildings of historical significance or special interest should be protected.
Services and amenities
Alvechurch should have the amenities normally associated with a village with a population of about 5,000 ie doctors surgery, pharmacy, post office, general store, butcher, greengrocer, newsagent and Village Hall or similar meeting places. There should be no retail parks or supermarkets normally associated with towns or cities. AVS specifically promotes the use of local shops and will encourage them to follow Fair Trade principles.
Education and youth facilities
Alvechurch should have schools to cater for children up to a minimum age of 11 and appropriate recreational and drop-in facilities for all those under 18.
Emergency services
There should be adequate policing for the whole community and easily accessible Accident and Emergency and maternity services in Redditch.
Public transport & traffic
The transport infrastructure should be appropriate for the village, recognising its commuting potential to neighbouring conurbations. There should be adequate and secure parking near to the village centre and at the railway station, and regular, reliable train and bus services. AVS supports all attempts to reduce traffic speeds and inconsiderate parking throughout the Parish.
Public open space
Alvechurch should retain its existing green spaces and sports grounds and every opportunity should be taken to create green spaces to replace land lost to development.
Footpaths and rights of way
Public footpaths and rights of way within the Parish should be protected and adequately maintained.
The concept of a clean Parish should be encouraged at all times. AVS will support and promote all local recycling initiatives.
Collaboration and community engagement
AVS will work actively with the Parish Council, Local Authorities, Residents' Associations and community forums such as PACT, with cross-representation wherever possible. AVS will play an active role in developing a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish and, in the process, encourage residents to take an interest in the future of their local community, preferably through membership of the Society.